Micro bags 2018 – Fashion Trend
Micro bags are the must-have bags in 2018. Therefore, the days where you carry a huge bag with way too much stuff is over. Honestly, I have never been a fan of those big bags, because I always have the feeling of losing my things. Furthermore, I spent a lot of time looking for little things like my pen, keys and the list goes on.
I think micro bags are taking a little step to minimalism because we are forced to carry only the essentials like some cash, cards, keys and perhaps some make-up stuff.
The micro bag is far from boring because it gives every outfit a cute finish. Also, you can find it in:
different designs and colors (leather, plastic, woven or straw textures)
materials and much more
shapes ( box bags, flap bags, treasure bags)
with straps
My Burberry is a mini bag due to its size and the things that can fit in. I am planning to buy another little bag in the near future.
Lastly, I found 10 beautiful micro bags that are in the lower to the high-end price range that you would like.
1st row: 1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5.
2nd row: 6. / 7. / 8. / 9. / 10.
Do you guys own mini bags? Or do you know some more bags that I can include on my list?
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