Feeling stuck..

Feeling stuck..

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Whenever you feel stuck, especially mentally. I think it’s time to travel and explore new places. You don’t have to visit a foreign country to escape from everyday life. You can literally drive by car to the nearest city that you have/haven’t been to. I am very sure you would see its beauty! Also, in every city, you can explore the nature, the exotic plants. In addition, different cafés, good restaurants, and places to just hang out. Don’t forget that every place you plan to visit always has its own personality and attitude. 

We didn’t drive far away and visited a few locations in Germany that are not so far away from Frankfurt. I hope you enjoy the pictures of our little trips.


Jey an der Lahn
Limburg an der Lahn
Limburger Dom
Limburger Dom
Limburg Friedhof
Limburg graveyard
Alte Lahnbrücke
Alte Lahnbrücke

Limburg Jey in Limburg


The heart of Miltenberg

Village in Miltenberg

Jey Miltenberg
Perfect day for the basket bag

Jey Miltenberg

Sunset in Miltenberg
The beautiful sunset of Miltenberg




We in Aschaffenburg
We tried taking photos of ourselves <3
Der Biersepp Aschaffenburg
A typical Bavarian lunch at ‘Der Biersepp’


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