Travel Guide – Bol, Island Brac

Travel Guide – Bol, Island Brac

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This post is my personal travel guide for the beautiful island Bol. In addition I wanted to share some pics of our last stay in Croatia. 🙂

Bol Brac Port
The Port of Bol, Brac

My personal travel guide – Bol


Our crip

Our view

We stayed 6 nights at our wonderful airbnb apartment from Adria Tours which you can find here. That apartment offered a very beautiful view. The mentioned apartment was 10 min away from the catamaran pier. When we arrived the Adria Tours Team picked us up at the port and drove us to our apartment.


Port of Split Croatia
Port of Split, Croatia

We flew by plan and landed at the airport of Split. From there we had to take a bus to the Port of Split. At the port we took a catamaran that brought you twice a day to the island Brac, Bol. Due to our early flight back home on the last day, we took the catamaran at 6:24 which is very early for me.


We visited two beaches. Once, we were at the Kotlina Beach. By the way, you can read the post here. Most of the time we stayed at the stony beach bay next to the famous beach Zlatni rat.

For your information: Zlatni Rat is really famous for its interesting shape. 5 years ago we were there. But this time we didn’t visit it because we preferred the little beach bay much more.


Pizzeria Topolino Bol Brac
Gigantic pizza at Topolino

Bol offers many spots for food and drinks. The most famous restaurants are: Pumparela and Topolino, both give you a beautiful view of the Bol pier. Also, where you can eat for bigger portion and for much less money is at Konoba Mendula. Their salad bar and service are awesome. The only downside is that the place is more hidden and is not at the port like the other restaurants. Furthermore there are many cafes where you can simply sit and catch a coffee with a beautiful view of the turquoise water 😉

Lastly before I forget – Croatia belongs to the EU you can pay in many places with euro instead of Kunas. But to be honest, I wouldn’t recommend changing due to high currency change fees.

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