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A day at the Kotlina Beach

A day at the Kotlina Beach

Kotlina Beach
Kotlina Beach
chapel of St John & Theodor the Dominican
Chappel of St John & Theodor the Dominican
Bijela Kuća Beach
Bijela Kuća Beach

On Thursday, we visited the beautiful Kotlina Beach.

You can find this picture perfect beach if you head east from the Bol harbor. Then you pass a restaurant called Ribarska which was closed on that day. We took another way and passed an old school that was sprayed with graffitis and walked the stairs down and saw the beautiful Kotlina Beach on the right.  If you look on the right side, you will see the other beach that is called Bijela Kuća beach. A cliff separates the Kotlina beach from the Bijela Kuca beach. Also, a stony path connects both beaches.

The Kotlina beach was our favorite because it wasn’t crowded like the other one. Furthermore, the beach offers some shade and is as I said picture perfect. Besides, we stayed there until the sun sets down

At the end, we hung around the ancient chapel of St John & Theodor, which is located to the beach. Thankfully an old German couple was so friendly to take photos of me and my fiancé.

Feel free to read my first post of Bol. 🙂


Bol Brac – My heart

Bol Brac – My heart

Bol Brac
Bol harbour
Our view & breakfast 🙂
Beach near famous Zlatni Rat

What can I say?

Two days ago, we arrived in Bol. Bol is located in the south of the isle Brac in Croatia. You can reach everything here on foot because it is a small place.

Some of you who know or follow me on Instagram, might know that the isle has a special place in my heart. The reason why this place is so magical to me, is that I have been here 5 years ago. It was the first couple-vacation of Jan and me. It’s really crazy how time flies by… Therefore, walking through Bol definitely wakes up old memories.

In that evening we went to Topolino and ate a gigantic Pizza which was very cheap.
Yesterday was a beach day for us. We took many pictures as always. Then next to the famous beach Zlatni Rat, we found a quiet place to soak up the sun.

After stuffing our bellies at Pumparella, we went for a walk and talked about the beautiful memories.

Throwing it back to Mallorca

Throwing it back to Mallorca

Cala Mondrago
Cala Mondrago – best beach ever!!

Mallorca Cala D'Or
In front of our hotel – Cala D’Or

Cala Mondrago
Cala Mondrago
Port de Sa Calobra
Road to Sa Colabro – Craziest road ever!
Mallorca - Cap Formentor
Cap Formentor

Mallorca - Cap Formentor
Mountain – Cap Formentor
Torrent de Pareis
Torrent de Pareis

Palma de Mallorca
Palma de Mallorca
Cala Mondrago
Cala Mondrago
Mallorca - Cala S'Almunia
Aesthetics – Cala S’Almunia

About JeyToday I’m sharing with you some memories of beautiful Mallorca.

Do you know that feeling of constantly feeling to be somewhere else? Yes? That is called wanderlust. I have been feeling like that since Amsterdam…

I’m really grateful that I have been to some places this year. I know for some people it might not be huge but for me it’s much. And we’re planning our next holiday for September/October. Right now, we don’t know where we will go but I think we’ll stay in Europe or go to Asia.

All this Blabla brought me to the idea to share the pictures that we took in Mallorca last year in May. Why am I sharing it now? Yeah because back then I didn’t have a blog. Also, it’s never too late share beautiful memories…

Ok, I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Jey <3

Food Spotting with a hint of Fashion

Food Spotting with a hint of Fashion

Stubbe Haring Amsterdam About Jey

About Jey Rayban

About Jey Look:  Shirt – H&M / Skirt – Mango (similar) / Shoes – Vans / Bag – Mango (sold) / Sunglasses – RaybanAmsterdam


About Jey Amsterdam Amsterdam Manneken Pis Manneken Pis

I can’t believe that it’s been a week since we traveled to Amsterdam. The three days went by too fast!

On our last day, we did a little food spotting. And made a quick stop at Stubbe Haring. At the place, we ate a Haring sandwich that was filled with onions and pickles – so delicious!

Then we stayed around Amsterdam Centraal. After that, we stopped by at Manneken Pis. We bought French Fries. The fries are the best in Amsterdam. We waited 15 minutes for the fries but it was really worth it.

At the end, we bought cheese for the family because the people in the Netherlands are known for their good cheese.

See you in the next post!


Ich kann es nicht glauben, dass eine Woche schon vergangen ist. Die drei Tage in Amsterdam gingen viel zu schnell rum!

Am letzten Tag haben wir uns ein wenig nach Essensmöglichkeiten umgeschaut. Den ersten Stopp haben wir bei Stubbe Haring gemacht. Dort gab es für uns Hering mit Brötchen. Sehr, sehr lecker und empfehlenswert!

Danach haben wir uns die ganze Zeit in Amsterdam Centraal aufgehalten. Dann sind wir zum Manneken Pis gegangen, wo wir die beste Pommes in Amsterdam gegessen haben. Wir haben dort bestimmt 15 min Schange gestanden, aber es hat sich gelohnt.  

Zum Schluss haben wir Käse für die Familie gekauft, da die Holländer für Ihren guten Käse bekannt sind.

Bis zum nächsten Post!

Meet us at Dam Square

Meet us at Dam Square

About Jey Dam Square
In front of the Paleis op de Dam

Look: T-shirt – Asos / Pants – Zara (similar) / Shoes – Tamaris / Watch – Casio


About Jey Dam Square
Dam Square

Kantjil de Tijger

Kantjil de Tijger

The second day started with a delicious breakfast at the Manor Hotel. Also, the food and the service there were great! If you’ve missed my first post of Amsterdam, then go here.

After breakfast, we left the hotel and went to the city. We filmed some beautiful spots with our camera. I will post the finished product if it looks good.

As you can see on the picture, we spent much of our time at Dam Square. The Dam Square is the central and famous part in the Netherlands. You can find the Madame Tussauds museum, the Palast of the Dam and many shops.

After that, we decided to eat at Kantjil de Tijger again because the food is so great that we didn’t allow any other option. Then we walked to our hotel for 40 minutes. I know it sounds similar to the other post but this time we didn’t get wet – haha!

To put it in a nutshell, our day really consisted of walking much, taking a lot of pictures, giving each other hugs 🙂 and shopping.


Unser zweiter Tag begann mit einem leckeren Frühstück im Manor Hotel. Nicht nur das Hotel ist spitze, sondern auch der Service und das Personal. Nach dem Frühstück sind wir wieder in die Stadt gelaufen. Falls ihr den ersten Beitrag verpasst habt, dann 

Wie ihr auf dem Bild sehen könnt, haben wir viel Zeit auf dem Platz de Dam verbracht. Dieser Platz bildet das Zentrum von Amsterdam. Dort befindet sich das Madame Tussauds Museum, die Paleis op de Dam, viele Geschäfte etc.

Zum Schluss haben wir wieder beim Kantjil de Tijger gegessen. Wir haben keine andere Option zugelassen. Ich habe sogar dasselbe gegessen, weil das Essen irre lecker ist.